#GenFree Conference 2021 - Dr Solomon Passy - “New Europe: from 3 Seas to 3 Oceans” - 3 Seas Europe

#GenFree Conference 2021 – Dr Solomon Passy – “New Europe: from 3 Seas to 3 Oceans”

The word ‘solidarity’ is becoming a key word for the changes taking place in Europe.

The word ‘solidarity’ is becoming a key word for the changes taking place in Europe. It is no exaggeration to say that much can be achieved through solidarity. You can even change the 3 seas in the 3 Oceans Initiative. One example is post-1989 Poland, a post-Communist country that is now in the European Union and NATO, something that was unthinkable 40 years ago.

Filip Rey

Filip Rey comes from a Polish family that left the country following the outbreak of the Second World War and settled in Switzerland after a short interlude in Paris. Filip returned to Poland for his university studies in 2014 in order to better get to know the country of his grandparents. He specializes in International Relations and Security Studies, applying his knowledge within those fields to analyze the geopolitics of Central Eastern Europe

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