The Three Seas is a significant socio-economic bloc of twelve EU countries straddling the area between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black seas. Together, the Three Seas countries are inhabited by 111 million Europeans (25% of the EU’s population) and consume 15.3 exajoules of energy (more than Germany or any other EU country). They are the fourth largest economic region in the Europe (after Germany, the UK and France), contributing 14% of the EU’s gross domestic product (GDP).
The study called “Three Seas in numbers” presents a collation of key socio-economic and energy‑related data on the Three Seas countries compared with other EU countries. Economic data covered in the study include GDP, GDP per capita and annual net earnings per country as well as affordability of selected energy carriers. Energy-related data include total energy consumption and energy intensity of the economies, energy mix per country (as of 2020 and since 1990) as well data on energy imports and prices of electricity, natural gas and Eurosuper 95.
”Three Seas in numbers” is an invaluable source of high-level knowledge for political decision-makers and subject matter analysts both at the EU and national levels. Data and insights gained from this study may help discover opportunities in the area, inform political discussion or decision-making purposes.