
Romania and Bulgaria: Troubled Road to Schengen

European Parliament irritated with Austrian veto on Schengen expansion. Strong accusations have been made.


The European Parliament has passed a stringent resolution against Austria, criticising its veto of Romania and Bulgaria’s entry into the Schengen region, which has led to significant financial losses for both nations. Based on a Romanian civil society petition, the resolution asks for a legal challenge against Austria’s veto and urges the European Commission to assess these financial losses and explore compensation avenues. The resolution underscores the socio-economic burdens on Romania and Bulgaria, with citizens facing extra costs and bureaucracy compared to their Schengen counterparts. It further raises concerns over the environmental impact of prolonged border crossing times and the disruption of free movement of goods within the EU single market. While the resolution is not legally binding, it serves as a potent political signal. It warns that the ongoing exclusion of Romania and Bulgaria from the Schengen region fuels anti-EU propaganda and undermines the EU’s capacity to promote its values and good governance externally. 

Source: romaniajournal.ro

Jakub Warzecha

Creative copywriter, archaeologist. Interested in history, technology and military matters. Specializes in marketing communications and application architecture design.

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