One hundred meters above the ground is a narrow hanging bridge suspended only on each end. It takes courage to walk the 730 painstakingly long meters looking right and left, even regarding the magnificent views of a mountain valley around you. Would you dare to look down through the tiny holes in a solid steel floor of the bridge?
The world’s longest sky bridge
Well, you can soon find out. The Dolní Morava Tourist Centre, situated in Czechia between the Orlické (Eagle) Mountains and the JeseníkyMountains at the foot of the Králický Sněžník massif, is set to open their long-awaited tourist attraction, Sky Bridge 721, for the first time in the spring of 2022. Currently, the longest suspended walking bridge is Portugal’s Arouca Bridge. Opened in spring 2021, it measures 516 meters in length.
Upon its opening, Sky Bridge 721 intends to overtake that title, and Czech tourist officials underline that the bridge will be unique globally. Spanning 730 meters over the Mlýnické Valley, Sky Bridge 721 will lead from the Slaměnka Chalet to Chlum Hill on the opposite side. The bridge is for foot traffic only, which puts it firmly into Guinness record territory.

Moravia ski and tourist attractions
If you need more incentive to visit Králický Sněžník massif this summer, keep in mind that the newly built bridge is far from the only attraction in the area. The Slaměnka Chalet side of the bridge is basically heaven for adrenaline junkies. Even before its newest addition broke ground, it offered a giant roller coaster, a bobsled track, and a walk on a wooden structure to the sky above. The Sky Walk, another top attraction at Dolní Morava, offers you the thrill of walking in the clouds. Only the bravest dare to use all its features. One is “the drop” – a strong net at the top with a unique view of the ground 50 meters below your feet. Not for the faint of heart.
The same goes for “the sleeve,” a net-pipe shortcut between levels that the intrepid can use as an alternative to regular old walking. However, the loudest screams come from a thrilling spiral slide, complete with windows and banked curves, which accelerates your body as you travel from the clouds back down to earth. Králický Sněžník massif is right next to the Czech-Polish border. Although not everyone is content with using a thousand cubic meters of concrete to attract tourists to a wildlife sanctuary famous for pristine views, it will surely add to the offer of Dolni Morava ski resort.