
€509 Million for Improvements in Latvian Electricity Transmission System

Latvia is working towards definitive disconnection from the Russian and Belarusian-controlled network.


A total investment of EUR 509 million is scheduled to bolster Latvia’s energy independence. Over the next ten years, the Latvian electricity transmission system will undergo significant improvements, with EUR 135.8 million being financed by the European Union. The goal is to synchronize the network with continental Europe by 2025, ensuring disconnection from the Russian and Belarusian-controlled network. Modernization efforts include the installation of anti-emergency equipment and enhancements in commercial accounting and transmission management. The plan also allocates EUR 188.8 million for major infrastructure and technology projects, and an annual investment of EUR 21-30 million for the reconstruction of substations, lines, and distribution points until 2033. The development plan also explores integrating renewable energy sources and potential interconnections in the Baltic Sea region, aiming to secure electricity export capacity. 

Source: eng.lsm.lv 

Jakub Warzecha

Creative copywriter, archaeologist. Interested in history, technology and military matters. Specializes in marketing communications and application architecture design.

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