Estonia Shines in Work Culture Amidst Expat Rankings  - 3 Seas Europe

Estonia Shines in Work Culture Amidst Expat Rankings 

Estonia stands out with top honors in work culture in the latest Expat Insider rankings, showcasing its strong appeal to global professionals.


In the “Expat Insider” survey, which evaluates 53 destinations on factors like quality of life, settling in, work conditions, finances, and essential expat needs (including housing, administration, language, and digital connectivity), Estonia dropped to 29th from its previous 11th position. Despite this, Estonia proudly took the lead in work culture and job contentment. The nation also stood out in administrative efficiency and digital lifestyle, coming in second and third. Many expats praised Estonia’s encouraging work atmosphere, low hierarchy, and focus on personal freedom. A Filipino expat particularly noted the vibrant start-up scene and local innovation. Positive feedback also covered Estonia’s work-life equilibrium and growth avenues. But the nation faced challenges in salary contentment, plunging to 45th, influenced by factors such as rapid inflation, elevated living costs, and obstacles like accessing English-speaking medical services or limited language courses. Its ranking in healthcare services similarly declined to 38th. 


Jakub Warzecha

Creative copywriter, archaeologist. Interested in history, technology and military matters. Specializes in marketing communications and application architecture design.

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