
Connor Roy Was Right About Slovenia

"Vienna for lunch, Venice for dinner... and Dubrovnik for breakfast," contemplate Mr. and Mrs. Connor Roy in the recent episode of "Succession" about a possible stay in Slovenia. However, once they see what the country has to offer, we think they'll want to stay closer to their Ljubljana base for their three square meals.

Justine Lupe as Willa and Alan Ruck as Connor Roy in the HBO series : Succession - season 4 (2023). Plot: The Roy family saga continues in the final season of the show.
Justine Lupe as Willa and Alan Ruck as Connor Roy in the HBO series : Succession - season 4 (2023). Photo: Be&W

As a note to all of you Conheads who haven’t had the opportunity to catch up with “Succession” season 4, episode 8, “America Decides” and episode 9, “Church and State” – there are spoilers ahead. So we highly suggest you catch up on the developments in one of the most thrilling parts of the series before reading on.

The Roys in Slovenia (*spoilers below)

We hope it’s not too much of a spoiler that the spoiled oldest son of fictitious media mogul Logan Roy from HBO’s megahit series “Succession” doesn’t become the President of the United States, gaining just shy of one percent of the votes in perhaps one state. The entire general election day episode is so meaty that Connor’s fate is just an extra side of fries alongside the main-sibling-triad’s steak dinner.

What Connor Roy does win is a consolation prize, which happens to be an ambassadorship of his choice from a handful of countries. Connor Roy being Connor Roy, (*and perhaps the only true “Conhead,” as he refers to his supposed supporters), he remains remarkably upbeat while downgrading his hopes for the White House to a remote embassy in a lesser-known European country. With his equally delusional wife, Willa, he chooses arguably the best option.

Slovenia, Willa,” he says to his wife, turning disappointment into hope. Her doubts are based on a difficult political alliance, not the destination. But finally, she concludes: “But Vienna for lunch, Venice for dinner.”

“And Dubrovnik for breakfast,” he adds proudly, musing about the possibilities this central location will afford them.

Connor Roy in Slovenia – is it worth the game?

Though one of the smallest countries in Central Europe (with two million citizens), Slovenia is by far among the most interesting. For one, it’s famously green, forested, and gives the opportunity to ski or bathe in the sea on the same day. The natural options are matched by cultural offerings. That’s not even to mention the food, which is so spectacular that Slovenia is the only European country east of Germany to have its own Michelin guide – and for very valid reasons.

Though Connor might not necessarily be the greatest political mind of his times, he did get his directions right – as Vienna is four hours away by car, Dubrovnik – seven hours (but only three hours from Venice if you spend a night there after dinner), and Venice just around the corner – only three hours away.

Slovenia, Connor Roy’s “pan-Habsburg empire”

But then, was the future fictional American Ambassador to Slovenia right about his possibilities in the sense that an ambassadorship is just fun and games? Well… probably not. Take one example: as a NATO member since 2004, Slovenia has contributed millions of euros to help Ukraine, donating two battalions worth of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and committing to relief action for Ukrainian refugees. Even in a fictional universe, the Ambassador here would have to be a working guy, not a playboy.

Perhaps that show of strength is why in the subsequent episode, “Church and State,” Connor pitches the idea of “pan-Habsburg American-led EU alternative” to the future president, with the megalomaniacal idea (probably) luckily not getting much attention.

Perhaps the mention of Slovenia was a not-so-subtle nod to a real-life right-wing American politician, namely Donald Trump. As the “America Decides” episode covers the topic of a hardcore conservative prospective presidential candidate, there is an unmistakable connection given Trump’s wife, Melania, who was born in Slovenia and graduated from the University of Ljubljana.

Nonetheless, Connor Roy has made a smart choice in betting on Slovenia. Would it also benefit the Central European country? Well, that question is up to you, Conheads.

Przemysław Bociąga

is a Polish journalist and essayist based in Warsaw. An anthropologist and art historian by education, he specializes in combining cultural phenomena with compelling narrative. He has authored and co-authored several books covering lifestyle and history. The most recent of them is “Impeccable. The biography of masculine image”. He has contributed to many leading magazines, both in print and online, and teaches cultural anthropology to college students.

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