We are all fascinated by ancient cultures. We try to recreate how people dressed, lived, and looked. But what if we were getting it horribly wrong…?
Croatia is undoubtedly one of the most popular summer holiday destinations in the Three Seas Region. Fascinating history, lush food, and glorious sun have the power to attract anyone dreaming of a perfect summer break. But have you considered Croatia as a winter destination, too?
After a long period of short, cold days and endless, dark nights, there comes a time when something has to be done about it. In Hungary, the people of Mohács might just have the answer.
History has its way of creeping into the present as it is fused with certain images, sounds, gestures, or customs. For locals, they’re quite obvious (or culturally embedded), but they may not be as clear to those visiting.
Every country has its own idea of cheap yet satisfying food. Poland is no exception. But the Polish idea, now well over a century old, can cause some confusion among first-time visitors. Let us explain.
The previous century was a time of abundant changes. To live in early 20th-century Poland was to be stuck in the middle of a diverse society with influences from at least three different cultures - with multiple differing languages. This is where Ludwik Zamenhof comes in.
We take so many things for granted. And although we are theoretically aware that country borders (and what's within them) have shifted over centuries, the story of how Poland kept its Tatra Mountains is bound to be one of a kind.
Are Central and Eastern Europe destinations underrated? What must-see European places are located here?
Behind every superhero, there is an inspiration. One Polish Jew was probably more than that. He is claimed to have been a real-life prototype of Superman.
What do a paper bag, a sheep, a duck, a rooster, and hot air have to do with Lithuania's most beloved hobby?
By late February, everyone is sick and tired of winter, especially as the eternal cycle of the seasons promises the soon arrival of spring. For millennia, the human race was celebrating that time, trying to scare away the death of winter and invite the season of rebirth and fertility.
He was one of the dreamers who seriously took to heart the saying that the sky is the limit. Educated as an engineer and damn good at his job, Ernest became a national hero for two countries. It's time the world was reminded about his achievements.
Did you know that you are probably a proud user of the same app as Barack Obama’s barber and Beyonce’s hairstylist?
Which of the Central European countries has in total over 7000 kilometers of ski runs and about 2,500 ski lifts? This whole infrastructure comes complete with guaranteed snow. I can hear you're sold. Want to know where to book your tickets?
Dobos cake, Kürtöskalács, Szaloncukor, Rétes. Hungarians know their sweets, and you should get to know them too!
The frustration that boils your blood when a computer crashes just as you were to save the work you have been sweating over the past hour is known to all. Our great grandfathers could relate, as an inkblot could ruin a carefully written page of a letter. Someone had to put an end to it!
In the middle of the summer, as we are stocking up on that lush, sun-generated heat, it seems safer to think about the growing trend of swimming in icy-cold water in the middle of winter. A sport that unites some of the Baltic countries. Which ones?
Among Polish dishes, one has enjoyed unfading popularity over the centuries. It is still among the most recognizable flavors of Poland. And a reason why in many Polish houses, during the cold seasons, you may notice a hint of cabbage smell coming from the kitchen.
The clock strikes 12, and we all suddenly find in a new year. New Year's Eve is the one day that unites people of all religions (and time zones) in celebration and has always been connected with many traditions.
Africa is known for its diamonds, but how many of you know that a European country supplies the world with much more popular, dazzling, and kinder stones to your wallet? There is a chance you own one.
When frosty winter hits, people tend to stay home and warm themselves up with a nice cuppa… not! Not when they're Polish, anyway. Winter at the end of the carnival was considered by the nobles as the best time to hit each other's pads and party.
To: Mum, From: Nicky – is what you may find written on your Christmas present, for example, in the UK or the USA. However, Central Europeans are adamant that the gifts have a more otherwordly origin. So what is it about all this gift-giving tradition?
World-famous Polish ski jumper, Adam Małysz, was once asked what he did to relax when sitting on the bench, waiting to jump. He answered – "I hum Christmas carols." His answer might have astonished everyone but Poles. Poles smiled and understood.
It is peculiar how people in every country tend to imagine their traditions must be very national. As much as it is true about some, the common roots of the Three Seas States result in many practices we all share. Do you know which ones?
Doesn’t it seem that whenever you get sick, there never are any appointments available? Doctor.One, a Polish start-up, developed a unique solution to this problem. So much so that it is heavily invested in, and its future is painted in bright colors.
During the longest, cold winter nights, you may want to curl up under your blanket with a cup of hot cocoa and a favorite film. But why not try something different? Estonians did. And now, each year, they host the European Sauna Marathon!
As Christmas Day is right around the corner, it is interesting to see how countries of the Three Seas region celebrate that time. Poland's Christmas Eve celebration is rather elaborate and has not changed much over centuries.
A city foretold by an iron wolf, built by a pagan Duke, developed by Christian kings, drowning in green vegetation, and home to hundreds of angels – Vilnius might just be the most exceptional European capital.
During Christmas, one melody is sure to unite the world. This carol has been sung for over two hundred years by Christians all over the world. Do you know it? Where does it come from?
We seem to take it for granted that Christmas presents are brought by Father Christmas in his sleigh. That's down to C.C. Moore, but what came before and is still practiced in many Three Seas States?
Ho! Ho! Ho! With the merriest time of year around the corner, the cities of Europe are getting into the festive spirit. What better way to do so than by eating, dancing, and Christmas shopping? What are the best destinations to travel to?
It is a little crazy to imagine that Chinese civilization, which came up with many great inventions that changed the course of the history of mankind, was largely enveloped in mystery. Enter Michał Boym.
Pepper, onions, some meat, paprika, and one pot make for a steaming, hot goodness. This world-famous dish does have its own story to tell.
In the past, people were grateful if there was a qualified doctor in their town or village. These days, it is doctors who are grateful for 5-star reviews.
Hungary is known to have more thermal spas than any other country. With over 1300 springs nationwide, a staggering 123 are found in Budapest alone. Fancy a spa getaway? This is the place to go!
Of course, we are not talking about state capitals, but, on this occasion, the European Capitals of Culture. With a nearly 40-year-long tradition, the initiative promotes the best and most revered cultural treasures across the EU. Where should you go this year?
So perhaps Mr. Wedel did not hide five golden tickets to invite children to his factory, but he wasn't far off. In many ways, he even surpassed Willy Wonka's flamboyant behavior.
The 11th of November is a day of remembrance virtually within all European countries scarred by the First World War. How exactly did this day shape Europe as we know it?
Sometimes referred to as the European Thanksgiving, Sant Martin’s day is a feast that unites many countries in the region. Like every good party, it is marked with traditional specialties – wine, goose, and sweet pastries.
Growing up in Poland, it was always fun to follow weather forecasts (*talking about the weather is not actually only a British thing). As kids, we kept a comparison score of whether it would be as cold where we were as it was in the northeasternmost Polish town of Suwałki.
Throughout millennia, humans have always paid respects to their dead and laid them to rest with elaborate burial styles. Gradually, these were replaced by rituals. Are you sure you know how they developed and what remains of them today?
Every country has its superstitions. Some of them are still popular, while others bring a smile of disbelief that someone could have treated them seriously. And it looks like they are still alive and well in Poland.
The oldest fair in the world has been held in Frankfurt since 1240. How does the Saint Dominic’s fair, held annually in Gdańsk, compare to that result? You might be surprised.
At some point in their lives, every child grabs hold of a pencil, crayon, and perhaps paintbrush, and they begin to create. Some become classically educated artists, but only a small handful are able to teach themselves and still find acclaim. Such is the case of Nikifor Krynicki.
A good piece of advice – never anger a Pole. Better yet – never anger a Pole by attacking his loved ones. Regardless of how important you may be, chances are you risk one going, "[Polish] Medieval on your ass."
Who was the greatest musician ever alive? A celebrity by today's definition – famous, talented, and wealthy? Whose compositions are known to practically every human, even if they have no idea about classical music? There is only one answer – Mozart!
The central Baltic State has for centuries remained under foreign rule. But the strong spirit of Latvians enveloped the land giving it its wild, unfading character.
Aren’t we all too familiar with the pictures of Venician gondoliers, carefully navigating the channels of Italy’s city of romance? Try something niche! Poland offers its own, wilder version of the same experience and throws in breathtaking views.
We are all familiar with the shows prepared by the US soldiers serving abroad, especially during the Vietnam War that are so popularized in mass culture But did you know Poles also took theatre to war?
Take a look at the flag of the Intermarium region. Now, look closely at several coats of arms representing countries of the region. Can you spot a similarity?
The answer is – probably not. Franz Liszt was more than just a brilliant piano virtuoso and gifted composer. He became what we would call a pop icon in his lifetime. But was he as flamboyant as Mozart, and did he really build his name on plagiarism?
You won’t taste it during Wimbledon, served with a dollop of cream. Nor will you experience its sweetness on a hot afternoon in Huelva. But believe me – no strawberry in the world is equal to Kashubian strawberries. And there is a paper to prove it!
Did you know it was a Pole that first painted the faces of the biggest Hollywood stars? And another who developed the formula to save our skin from the scorching sun? Meet five big health and beauty brands with Polish roots.
You either love 'em or hate 'em! Every national cuisine has dishes bound to give goosebumps to those unfamiliar with the flavors. Would you try any of those Polish delicacies?
The apple. Such a ‘common’ fruit. So common, in fact, you might think that this staple of your 5 a day is simple to grow wherever you live. Rightly so. But did you know that globally the most apples consumed come from Poland?
The history of Central Europe is one that weaves together stories of countries and peoples, present and past, drawn to these lands. Among them, Czechia has its own. Ready to hear it?
The dunes, the heat, and the desert lifestyle is not something we necessarily connect with Poland. Let alone Polish people living at the turn of the 18th century. Yet Polish history has a mark left on it by its own personal, real-life Emir!
The 1960s cinema saw two great films set amidst the backdrop of ancient Egypt. One was the famous 1963 American production "Cleopatra". What was the other?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I wonder why he does. Perhaps because the honey of Polish forest bees has, for centuries, been cherished for its superb quality. Judge for yourself!
Recurring summer heatwaves force many of us to turn to tested tricks of staying cool, such as wearing that favorite linen top, having the mid-day cool shower, or finally putting that souvenir fan to good use. But what to eat when it is just too hot?
We bet you're familiar with the famous sailor who gets superhuman strength from downing cans of his ever-present favorite snack - spinach. Generations of people are. However, not everyone knows that he was based on a real person.
Anyone who ever watched old-school cartoons must be familiar with the motif of a Saint Bernard dog with a little cask around its neck that saved victims of snowy atrocities with the cask's magical elixir. While it may seem funny, it’s based in truth.
The surface of the Earth is peppered with impressions made by outer-space visitors. But by “impressions,” we mean craters, and by visitors, we aren’t talking aliens – we’re talking about meteorites. So where can you find these spots in Central Europe?
Ever wondered what a Mongolian man on a hobby horse is doing representing one of the most gorgeous and historical Polish cities? There is a valid explanation!
Every good story has intriguing protagonists who make you want to figure out who they are and where they came from. In the Three Seas Region, there is a country whose history causes a lot of “I didn’t know that!” reactions. Want to know which one?
It should be fairly straightforward. You are born in a country, which means you are its citizen. If someone moves abroad, then after some time, the original connection is lost. Simple? Not when it comes to Poland! We'll tell you why.
Necessity is the mother of all inventions. And sometimes, it literally takes a mother to invent an ingenious prop that makes parenting that little bit easier and goes viral. Meet Szumisie.
The Witcher - a successful Netflix series, a mind-boggling game, and… a musical. All of these are spin-offs of a highly witty fantasy saga. So where did it all begin?
Everyone loves their birthday. In some countries where the Catholic Faith is prevalent, people also tend to celebrate the day of their patron saint. The people of Vilnius make sure the day of Saint Casimir is a party no one wants to miss.
If you are planning a trip to Cracow, Poland (if you are not – then you should do), we want to help you avoid one of the most terrible culinary faux pas anyone can commit while in this gorgeous city. One that the locals would not forgive.
These days much is being said about the carnival season and various celebrations that take place as the Earth prepares for its rebirth. Romania tops it with its very unique take on the welcoming of Spring.
About 40 million years ago, a large pine forest was growing on land now long gone. As the Earth was rapidly changing, the forest saw its time was coming to an end. Resigned to its fate, sure of being lost and forgotten for all eternity, it… cried.
Most of the Three Seas Countries are considered to be emerging innovators by the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). Which ones are they, and what does it mean? Are there any strong innovators among us?
The population of the American Bison was severely hit after the arrival of the settlers. From an estimated 60,000,000 animals living on the land prior to 1800, only about 300 lived in the US in 1900. Its European cousin wasn’t that lucky.
The formation process of the world’s languages is one of the most fascinating stories humanity has ever written. At least for language geeks. Or can you get sucked in too?
The countryside is the bread and butter of every nation. Undoubtedly, a vast part of Polish cultural heritage originates in Polish villages and fields. It could not be so if it weren’t for the women!
French, Italian, American, Mediterranean, and so on – cuisine from all over the world seems to enjoy recognition. After all, tasting local specialties is an integral part of any travel. So what about Eastern Europe? What do people eat there?
Due to the climate, which tends to bring rather cold winter months, the nations of the Three Seas Region developed their cuisines following the particularities of each season. But one vegetable dominated all four of them.
Those traveling to Europe often think it will be sufficient to bring along some Euro, but this is not always the case. So what currency do you need when you find yourself in the Three Seas States?
The sources from which we generate electricity have become the center of attention of every European in light of recent events. Austria's energy mix is one to envy, and here's why.
Many festive dishes tend to be present in some shape and form throughout the year. But can you find dishes that are so Christmas-exclusive that you can’t really taste them outside of the season?
Believe it or not, winter in Croatia can get pretty cold. Most households used to have fireplaces, which served as the basis for developing an interesting Christmas tradition.
It has been said and will never cease to be repeated that Austria – the home of Silent Night, the world's revered Christmas carol – certainly knows how to turn Christmas into a special time of year, spiced up with a short visit by the underworld demons.
The second largest island in Croatia is the home of the town of Pučišća. I know – it most probably doesn’t tell you anything. And it should, as its quarry has been supplying the world with marble for centuries.
The architecture MasterPrize award is open for entries from architects at every stage of their careers. It is considered the second most important out of the five leading international awards in architecture. This year, Poles were among the winners.
Is Austria a factory of geniuses? It certainly looks like it! Let us briefly remind ourselves what the Nobel Prize is and what it is awarded for.
Are you able to survive in water for a few hours at one time? Can you swim (advisable)? Do you like challenges? If your answer to the above question is ‘yes,’ then we have a proposition you won't want to pass up.
Polish citizens, who found themselves under a foreign rule for 123 years, were often forced to leave their native lands in pursuit of opportunities unavailable to them under new rulers. Collectively, they are referred to as Polonia.
Everyone has heard of Neuschwanstein, the real-life Disney castle in Bavaria. If only tourists knew this picturesque destination has a long-lost sibling in a much more accessible and equally unexpected location in Southern Poland.
Certain species of plants and animals tend to raise in importance in different areas of the world. Such is the case with tobacco. Brought to Europe from North America, it found a special place among Kashubians.
Poles and Americans have a lot in common, like respect for national flags and taste in national symbols. For both, the eagle reigns supreme, and while the US favors the bald eagle, Poles are 100% devoted to their white eagle. When did this noble bird steal the Slavic hearts?
In the north of the 3 Seas Region, you can find a land adorned in a green gown of forests and crowned with the gold of sandy beaches. With her majesty accentuated by blue jewels of lakes, Lithuania is a mysterious land where the tales of old don’t seem old at all.
The Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are throwing the biggest folk festivals in the world. The event is so grand that it takes four years on average to prepare. What is it all about?
There are many types of capitals - like business capital (London, UK), love capital (Paris, France), or food capital (San Sebastian, Spain). Such flashy tags are bound to attract tourists from all over the world. Do conventional capitals stand a chance?
Long before anybody had any idea of sustainable energy Nicola Tesla was preoccupied with finding new energy sources. Europe’s first hydropower plant is just one of his genius inventions. Get to know the man behind your dynamo.
Ever wondered who came up with the colors and patterns on national flags? Is there even any purpose to them? Well, not just a purpose but a whole lot of history. Let us tell you about the flags of the Three Seas States.
When, 200 years ago, Napoleon sent Polish troops to the Haitian islands, even he – one of the greatest strategists of all time – could not have foreseen what was about to happen.
Tired of choosing the same old destinations for your holidays? Why not try something new! Central and Eastern Europe has lots to offer!
For the past eight years, a Polish inventor, Łukasz Koźlik, has been fulfilling his dream of building a robot that he hopes will eventually become our best housework buddy.
That, my friend, is an excellent question. Everyone seems to know where Western Europe is. And everyone seems to be an expert on calling everything else the East. But hey! What happened to the Center?
It is surprising how the charming little town of Nin in Croatia is the home of many wonders. Among such riches as salt and mud (yup!) is a Cathedral fit for the size of the town – namely, very small. In fact, it’s the world’s smallest.
Bendy, lazy rivers; picturesque landscapes; wildlife; and charming bonfire evenings are just some of the things one may experience when they go kayaking in Poland. Indeed, it’s an immensely popular way of spending your summer holidays - for good reason.
Nowadays, when reading books could be considered a dying pastime, it is refreshing to learn that book-reading is still important enough to rank based on their friendliness toward bookworms. So which cities are the best and which are the worst?
Ever thought of an idea of a beauty pageant starred by…cities? People behind the Online Mortgage Advisor did and, acting as the grand jurors, decided which ones should be crowned as the most beautiful.
As the old saying tells us: good fences make good neighbors. And it is pretty convincing since, throughout history, great rulers have insisted on building walls to stop their enemies. It happened in China, Great Britain, and… Croatia.
The most fascinating medieval castles are those which were impossible to force by the enemy. And, of course, those haunted by ghosts. Trakai Castle belongs to both categories.
“FBI, open up!” We’ve all seen films where a team of armed law-enforcement officers storms a bad-guy hideout – usually all dressed up with the characteristic, bullet-proof vests. These vests have their own history, the origins of which can be traced back to a Polish inventor.
If you ever happen to watch the late 20th century films from Poland that take place in a sandy desert, chances are they were filmed… locally. Meet Polish deserts and dunes – truly unique, natural landmarks.
The long-awaited Three Seas Generation Freedom Conference 2022 has just kicked off in Warsaw, Poland. Notable figures from the world of politics, business, and international affairs have come together to share their expertise on the different facets of freedom.
When German author Karl May wrote his most famous story of Winnetou he must have been thinking of the wild, North American landscapes with their waterfalls and the Rocky Mountains. But why go so far when you can travel to Croatia - where the movies were filmed?
Croatia, now one of Europe’s prime holiday destinations, has long been an actor in the complicated historical drama of the Balkan states. And by no means a boring one! Here’s the story of how your favorite holiday resort came to be.
Zlarin, also called the Golden Island, is a place known for its natural treasure – the unique coral (and sponges. Natural sponges – nothing to do with cakes.) It also must be the least motorized place on the planet. But let’s start at the beginning.
Polish vodka can be safely claimed by Poles. When it comes to rakija, well… opinions are as divided as there are varieties of this alcoholic drink. Taking into account its unfading fame, it’s no wonder Croatia claims ownership of the best recipe.
They come in many sweet and savory varieties – wild berry, cabbage-and-mushroom, meat, and white cheese among the classic fillings. But there is one particular version of this classic Polish dish that has inspired mixed feelings in recent months.
The old Slavic custom of celebrating the harvest is still holding on strong in Poland. Dożynki, as it is called, is celebrated nationwide and provides a great way for villages to remind the city dwellers of the richness hidden in the countryside.
You might think tracing an origin of a breed of dogs is a simple task. Not quite so simple when it comes to the adorable white dogs covered in characteristic black spots.
Depending on where you live in the world, forest mushrooms may be considered a delicacy. They can be such a luxurious product that you must pay a lot to purchase a small amount. Think about this: in the past, it was enough to go to the forest. In Poland, it still is.
Every now and again, a genius is born. A person of so many talents that during their lifetime they come to invent several everyday items later generations cannot imagine their lives without. One of such people came from Croatia.
A bob. The symbol of strong femininity. Famously used in a short story of innocence lost, written by an American writer. However, Fitzgerald’s tale would never have been without that iconic haircut. And it so happens that a Pole wielded the scissors.
Hungarian, aside from Turkish and Greek, is the only other language in which the word “wine” does not come from the Latin 'vinum'. Instead, ‘bor’ is of Celtic origin. And Celtic culture much predates the Romans, who came to these lands. But what does this actually mean?
A small town with a decisively Mediterranean feel. It would not be surprising if it weren’t for the fact that Szentendre is located in the vicinity of Budapest, the capital city of Hungary.
Have you ever thought about how what you eat or drink may influence your perception? Had a cup of coffee this morning? Maybe a cigarette? Chances are, these could make you produce a piece of art different from what you would have created after a cup of tea with a biscuit. At least in theory.
After 30 years of independence, the Pelješac Bridge joining Dalmatia, home to the country's most visited city of Dubrovnik, with the rest of the country, finally opened on 26 July.